Sunday, February 17, 2013

Old Fashion family fun

Old Fashion family fun

 We are blessed to have a large family for many obvious and many other reasons.   The obvious is that there is so much love and caring to go around.  There is never a time that someone is going through trials and tribulations that they don’t have the option of someone to talk to or lean on.   Growing up my sister was 7 years older than me, and she moved away to live with my grandmother at the age of 16.  I was the only son in my family, and thus grew up similar to being an only child.
I promised my children that I was going to raise them as a close knit family so they could have a built in support system.  I am proud of my family and I accomplished my plan of the built-in support system.  All my children were raised to take responsibility for their actions, and they are wonderful young adults.  Beyond that, we are also fortunate that all our children still live in the same State.  The farthest I have to travel by car is 5 hours one way to visit anyone of my children and/or grandchildren.

When family members come into town, it’s always a time to celebrate.  We gather at our house, and play board games around the dining room table, we own a large collection of board games, plus dominos, chess, checkers, cards, and rule books for the various games. On a long weekend we manage to get in a new release movie at one of the large complex cinemas, or rent movies to view at home on the large screen.  We often compete in games of bowling, or putt-putt golf.  During the summer we may even get in a game of softball.

I personally don’t compete as much as I used to, but I do enjoy a game of golf with one of my sons or the one daughter that plays golf.  That is a game where my chances of winning are still in my favor.  My wife and I get as much fun and joy just from seeing our young adult children getting along and having fun.

One other thing that I am very proud of is that a large percentage of our children inherited my entrepreneurial spirit, and are in fact more successful than I ever dreamed of being.  I hope you are enjoying your family as much as I am mine; family is the foundation that we build upon.  The best is yet to come……

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