Thursday, February 14, 2013

Remember When

Remember When

 Soon after my wife and I got married in 1977 (6 months to be exact) I received two great money making opportunities (great examples of opening the door when opportunity knocks) One was a job as head of a non-profit organization and the other to be the Spanish voice of a northwest product that was entering its centennial celebration.  The latter was a constant money source in the way of a monthly retainer fee to keep me under contract and to be used as needed.  Both went a long ways to make our lives (new start) a lot easier.
 I’m not bragging about the money, although it was more blessing than I was used to.  In order to take advantage of the opportunities we had to pack our belongings and move across the Cascades to the West side of the state.  We discussed it only briefly, and decided it was what we both wanted to do.  I still remember having to go to work every morning and leaving my new bride at home without any relatives nearby.  But to be sure I was just as lonely at work.  I was surrounded by staff that I was responsible for, and board members that I was responsible to, and yet they were all new in my life. 
 I couldn’t wait to go home and be with someone that I knew had my back, and I could relax around.  I knew my wife also looked forward to the end of the day so we could stand back to back against the world.  Eventually the babies started arriving and the family grew, into exactly what we both wanted.  I loved it when my babies were young only because I could be in total control of their safety, their needs, in general and their happiness.

Progress is one of the requirements of life.  I’m sure you’ve heard the saying that, “time waits for no-one.”  You need to put things in perspective in order to get the most out of life.  To get to where you need to be, some things will need to change.  While change is inevitable, it’s not always welcomed.  My babies grew up and went through the school system, and now they are scattered all over the State.  I have three in the Eastern Washington and 4 in Western Washington.  I’ve been told by friends that I stopped to soon; cause if I’d had only 5 more I would qualify for my own Casino.
 There comes a time in the progression cycle where we find ourselves caught between raising our children, and helping our aging parents.  Been there done that.  I never complained, and my wife has always been a great partner, she stood side by side with me and shouldered her share of the load.  I won’t say fair share because at the time it was my parents that I was dealing with, and she was gracious and helped me get past it.
Our babies are all grown up, and some have babies of their own.   I guess you could say that, that is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  Along the way and at different times a couple of my children have told me that when they grow up, they are going to take care of us.  I always give the same answer; if you just grow up to take care of yourself, I will take care of your mother and myself (so far-so good).  I can’t say my life is perfect, because I don’t know what a perfect life is like, but I can say that I wouldn’t change anything if I could start over.  The only other thing I can say is that the best is yet to come….


  1. "Progress is one of the requirements of life." I love this! Wonderful blog, Armando! You have a way with words! :)

    1. Thank you Monica, you input and support is appreciated!
