Sunday, February 10, 2013

Welcome to                                                                                      February 2013

Welcome to the first issue of the Blog;  While there are many similar titled blogs out there, this blog concentrates on that most powerful of tools that we as individuals have; “the mind.”

Most people like to worry about where they are going in the future, I personally prefer to concentrate on where I’ve been.  My future through proper planning is on automatic pilot, and will get me to my destination.

 I know my past had challenges, but the mind for some reason likes to dwell on the good times.  Good times are definitely where this blog is going to go in all aspects of life.  In the future we will address all the great times that we have lived through; where were you when the Beatles landed on our shore (USA)?  How old were you when you first became consciously aware of music in your life? What was your favorite of the 1950’s television programs?  What’s the cheapest gallon of gasoline that you remember buying for your first car?  What was your first car?  Did you attend the school Sock Hops?  Did you participate in school sports?  Do you stay in touch with some of your best friends in high school?  Do you have any regrets from your growing up years; the one person that got away, the car you didn’t keep or bought, moving from one of your favorite towns or neighborhoods?

The old saying better lucky than good; with regard to health was there anything in your lifestyle that may have contributed to your health in later years?

Throughout life we have many acquaintances, and some very good friends some of us are even lucky to have a best friend or two.  My best friend for a period of about 20 years was Joe L.  Through many unselfish acts and wonderful advice, Joe affected my present position in life (in a very positive way).  In turn, every one of my children’s present and future has been affected by my decisions.

Approximately three months, prior to his passing at the age of 82, he told me that he was unable to move around as he was used to, but that he was extremely grateful for his still sharp mind, because while sitting at home he was able to relive the best parts of his life every day.  Thus some 12 years after his passing he influenced the blog being50.  Stay tuned, the best is yet to come…..

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