Saturday, March 2, 2013

Bucket List and Gun Control

My Bucket List and Gun Control

If you ever thought that you could ignore the games being played in Politics daily, think again.  I know that as long as we live in the best country in the world, our lives will be touched in one way or another by our ever-loving politicians.  I personally feel that, as a US Citizen, I am as involved in the political process as I need to be, and haven’t missed an opportunity to vote since the 1969 Presidential Election.

Followers of are aware of my Bucket List posted February 11, 2013.  I am not one to let the grass grow under my feet, and I decided to start a strategy for accomplishing all the items on my list within the one year time allowed.  Item number 6 of 10 is; I will go target shooting at a firing range.  I settled on this as one of the items that I would accomplish first because it isn’t one of the easiest but it appears to be easy enough while probably one of the most fun.

I made a couple of contacts with friends that have active memberships at practice ranges, and initiated the process of scheduling the outing.  I would have thought, piece of cake no problem, done deal.  Not so fast, the most recent political issues of gun control being debated by politicians, has unexpectedly hindered my efforts.

Typical of political ingenuity or lack thereof; the attempt at Gun Control has achieved the exact opposite outcome.  Since the probability of tighter gun control is in the air, the general population has sprung into action and made a run at all things guns.  The funny thing is that this information would never have crossed into my immediate life if it weren’t for Bucket List Item Number 6.

My contacts tell me that ammunition supply is practically depleted; you actually have to stand in a line to buy ammo.  The stores are limiting customers on how many boxes of ammo they can buy on any given day.  Fortunately, I don’t need to buy a weapon because I hear that the shelves are practically empty of them also. I will complete and cross off item number 6 from my list even if I have to point at a target with my finger and yell loudly BANG! BANG!  Actually, I will complete this item even if I have to use my ammo stock on hand.

In politics like everywhere else, a little common sense goes a long ways.  Oh that’s right; I forgot that’s another item in short supply in the political arena.  Fear not, the best is yet to come….

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