Sunday, March 24, 2013

No Place Like home 2


It seems that as I get older I find that I have a few too many sayings, but it only seems that way.  One that I have often used and mostly so that friends and family can stay aware that there are consequences in life, is the following; everything that you say and do will come back to you in a positive, negative or indifferent way, but it will.

My mother’s decision to separate from my father in the fall of 1956, and later divorce (approximately 2 years later) started a chain-reaction of events that affected my very life today, and the life of many others.  Taking it to an extreme but yet real is the fact that none of my life from the very day that my father and mother went in different directions would have taken place.  Since we are not able to see what might have been, I can only speculate that I might have turned out to be Governor of California or an inmate at one of California’s Correction Centers.  Those are extreme examples; I might have just ended as another of millions of John Q. Public (Californians).

One thing is definite, because of my mother’s decision, a beautiful little girl was born on this day in 1959 (March 24).  My little sister Norma is proof of my theory.  I will share another excerpt from the book I am writing about my life (working title; East Lincoln).

When it came time for the baby to be born a mid-wife was called to the house to deliver the little blessing. I remember that I was told to go play outside, but I managed to play near the bedroom window. As they say or don't, this in fact was my first rodeo. There was a lot of anxiety, loud voices, crying and even screaming in pain. After what seemed like forever, there was the crying of a baby. There was no other baby in the house so I knew it had to be the new family addition.

I don't think my little sister understands how much she was loved, and wanted. Her arrival was reason for celebration; my mother dressed her like a little doll, and was right there if the baby cried. I was never really jealous but maybe a little bit. The baby was responsible for mother staying home; it was so different that my house chores pretty much disappeared, mother kept the house spotless.

I was also given a couple of very special honors; which says volumes about my importance in the family unit, at least in my mother's eyes. I was given the extreme honor of naming the baby. It wasn't a contest, there were no other names considered. Thanks to my input the baby was named Norma. To this day my sister is named Norma, and I love her very much. More importantly she knows how much I love her.

My sister celebrates her birthday today and is happily married with three grown good looking healthy children (one handsome son and two beautiful daughters plus grandchildren).  My mother’s decision in 1956 continues to affect us in a positive way even long after she (my mother) is gone.   Sometimes what seems like a simple choice can create ripple effects for many years to come.

Keep in mind always; everything that you say and do will come back to you in a positive, negative or indifferent way, but it will.  No Place Like home to be continued????  The best is yet to come….

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