Saturday, March 23, 2013

On Being Wealthy 2

On Being Wealthy 2

 While appreciating while you have will always be a great attitude and way to measure your personal achievements, there are proven ways to improve your personal wealth (but).

The word “but” denotes that there are reasons why It will not work for everyone.  If you walk into a room with 50 people you will run into 50 slightly different mindsets.  There are many similarities, but just enough differences for why you will have different outcomes. About 5 years ago, a person that lives about 3 blocks from my house approached me while grocery shopping and introduced himself, he explained that he was aware that I lived in the neighborhood, and wanted to share a great opportunity with me.  He thought I would take advantage and multiply the rewards while strengthening the organization.

I don’t run around looking over my shoulder for opportunity to sneak up on me, but I always see situations, and rationalize that this might be the big one I am waiting for.  The new neighbor contact, invited me to attend a networking rally 60 miles away scheduled for two days later.  I told him I would check my calendar and get back to him.  Please note that this kind of response leaves you an opening for backing out graciously.  I discussed it with my wife over dinner, and as is typical of her, she said, if you feel good about it go for it.  I contacted the person and confirmed that I would be going with him.  He was offering to drive, and there would be finger food at no expense offered at the rally, plus he would have me back home safely by 10:30 that night.  How could I go wrong?

My first surprise was when he picked me up at my house and it was only the two of us.  I was expecting that this man was recruiting, and the car would be full of individuals seeking opportunity.  All along the way he spoke very highly of the individual that was scheduled, as the keynote speaker.  I could tell that he practically worshipped this speaker person.  When the time came and after other speakers worked the crowd into a frenzy (standing room only I estimate 900 plus in attendance), this laid-back good looking individual between 50 and 60 years of age, came on stage with a beautiful young woman, who looked like his daughter, but he introduced her as his lovely wife.  Both dressed in relaxed Hawaiian attire (shorts, tops with Hawaiian designs), and sandals.

He explained that he had been given short notice of this rally, but invited his wife to join him after calling the airport and requesting his pilot to get his private jet ready to fly within a couple of hours to the mainland (Seattle from Maui Hawaii).  His wealth bragging even embarrassed me, and I wasn’t the one talking.  To hear him speak; he had the Midas touch!  Only, however, thanks to this organization that they were recruiting me for.  In my mind he made one big mistake when he claimed with great pride, that his most important mission in his life was to make every person he came into contact with a millionaire.

After the rally ended, it was time to meet, greet and network. (They were selling CDs, DVDs, Books, Starter Kits, etc.).  I guess my sponsor was connected enough, that he got me close enough to the keynote speaker, so I could meet him.  He gave me a hardy handshake, and asked me; what did you think of my talk?  I had to raise my voice because the crowd was so jubilant and noisy; I said I am sorry to say that I see your mission in life is doomed to fail!  He reacted like he was stung in the face by a bee or wasp! With a serious expression on his face he asked “why do you say that?”  My response was; “if everyone you meet becomes a millionaire, who will clean your house, prepare your meals, take care of your children, and do your landscaping?” He did an about face like I had just been sucked in by a giant Florida sink hole, and actually never existed.

The point of this posting is that some of us have the awareness, and experience for survival instinct, some haven’t developed it yet (it’s within everyone’s capability to develop it).  As a follow up I will post about a couple of different directions that I took to develop financial stability, and a very nice and stable living for my family (my story/my way).  The best is yet to come…

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