Thursday, April 4, 2013

No Place Like Home Part 2

No Place Like Home Part 2

It’s a known fact that when you reminisce about the past the positive things are what come forward first, sometimes only.  That’s why there are often regrets when you try to go back to a past event (example; relationships, jobs, etc.).  The mind has a way of blocking out the negative, ugly, unsavory experiences.  When I think about my youth I am no different with that regard, but I truly believe, that while I have had my share of negatives, I used them to make myself stronger and to become the happy well-adjusted person that I am today.  Please keep in mind that you are getting my perspective, but when it comes to my place in life (my life), that’s the only perspective that counts (as it should be with everyone’s life).
My life growing up was so idyllic, that it reminds me of the times my own children have told me that they remember being children and having no worries whatsoever, just waking up to eat and play, such was my life.  The way I participated in raising my children is that I believe children need to be just that, children.  They need to be spoiled with love and nurturing (same rule applies especially to my grandchildren).  In my case, I was trained to be responsible at a very early age, after all I was enrolled in a private school at age 4.  I didn’t realize it until now but I guess that was like having a task to accomplish every day (my job was to go somewhere every day and learn) it was only 4 hours, but a task none the less.
By the time I entered regular school I was so advance that I never lost that advantage throughout school.  I want to make sure that it’s clear that the private school I went to wasn’t like pre-school or Kindergarten in the USA.  It was more like 1st grade or higher, I was being taught material that was relevant and of real use in everyday life (numbers, ABC’s, manners, etc.).  To some extent I had a very structured life, my parents were well organized, and even our family time had a pattern to it.  I am going to include an excerpt from my book (story of my life; working title East Lincoln) right about here because it captures perfectly what some of our family time was like.
As a toddler, I remember that my family's favorite past time was to go for walks around the midtown plaza. It seems in Mexico every town of decent size has a central plaza where people visit to relax and enjoy either as couples, family or even individuals just to read or people watch as a way to pass the time of day. Plaza Globitos was our plaza. Our plaza was a city block square with a kiosk at the center, concrete paths that crisscrossed, and benches strategically placed so people of all ages could enjoy their time at the plaza. Vendors sold helium filled balloons, corn on the cob churros, mangos on a stick, and more. Shoe shine boys were everywhere plying their trade. You could see young men and women courting walking hand in hand enjoying their time together.

Across the street was my mom & dad's favorite movie theater. When we tired of hanging out at the plaza we would cross the street and catch a movie. At the time the popular movie stars were Pedro Infante, Maria Felix, Jorge Negrete, and many others but these were definitely among the "A-List."

One of my fond memories as a toddler is that we would go for long walks on the beach (we lived in a city on the Gulf of Mexico), and whenever I got tired I would simply run a few steps ahead of my parents, turn around and raise my arms over my head and either one would carry me the rest of the way. For some reason life has never again been that simple or accommodating. Trust me there has been many times in my wonderful existence when I wish I could just raise my arms over my head and someone would carry me at least for a while.  The best is yet to come….

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