Sunday, June 23, 2013

Blast from the Past

Mad Men end 6th Season no AMC
Sometimes, not always, just sometimes you don’t have to rely on your memory to relive the past.  This is one fine example of that statement.  If you enjoy the occasional television program for fun and relaxation, this program is about an advertising agency based in the 1960’s; this program is for you, Mad Men on the American Movie Channel (AMC).  The end of the 6th season is upon us, and it promises to keep us in suspense during the off season.

  • "Mad Men" may be a modern-day classic, but it's also very much the sum of its parts: Talk through the show with any friend midseason, and we guarantee someone's going ... moreto say something how "uneven" it's been. (We'll exclude the near-perfect Season 3 from this appraisal.) It's a trend that's held true for this latest, sixth season, which concludes this Sunday. The show's magnificent, saving grace, though, is that it does spectacular moments better than just about anyone: For every middling episode, with interminable scenes of Sylvia and Don figuring themselves out, we saw revelatory, earthshaking moments. - By Diane Vadino
One of my sons told my wife and me about it and we have been hooked since the very first episode of Season 1.  I suppose that like everything else the show isn’t for everyone, but if you enjoy seeing things in the plot developing and remembering that you lived through the incident, then just maybe you too will get hooked.  As an example, they covered the JFK Assassination, where everyone in the office was devastated, and most of the non-essential staff were sent home because they were beyond distraught.
Every once in a while you will see them get a contract for an advertising campaign involving a product, and you remember hearing the commercials:  “Plop, plop, fizz, fizz oh what a relief it is.”  Do you remember that commercial (Alka-Seltzer).  The similarities to real life (of bygone days) just go on forever, including the fashion, the cars, the home furniture, etc.  If you care to check it out most of you will find it entertaining.  You can catch up the past seasons on Netflix Hulu, or buy the season on DVD’s at stores like Fred Meyer, Walmart, or Best Buy to name a few. The best is yet to come…

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