Thursday, July 18, 2013

Making the Most of Your Day 2

Web Site Tools
 In my lifetime, I often found myself over committed to tasks that could have easily been delegated to someone else with a lesser work load.  That self-sense of responsibility is quiet often unnecessary.  If you look at your work operation as a team (or your family affairs as a team effort) there is nothing wrong with all team members contributing to a final outcome.  Remember that life is much like the operation of a family farm:  You need to prepare the field (ground/dirt) turn it, fertilize it etc.,) before you plant the seed and water it.  All those mentioned processes need to happen if you are ever to see a successful harvest.  If we are to lessen the work load on ourselves, we first must prepare others around us to take over or share the load.
Aside of sharing the load to lessen our own, and making time for those things we want to do, there are other things that you can do to improve your daily schedule; consider the following tips: 

  • Use website blocking tools: Spending too much time on YouTube, Pinterest, eBay or Twitter? Turn your browser into a nanny state by setting up a website blocking tool so that even if your resolve weakens, you won't be able to feed your addiction -- even if you restart your computer. 
  • Instead of meeting, videoconference:  Meetings are a huge time sink when you factor in travel time. Nearly everything a face-to-face meeting accomplishes can be done via videoconferencing. With the advent of Skype and other face-to-face options, it's fast, easy and cheap. And because no cars are involved, it's good for the planet. 
  • Avoid rush hour:  In many urban areas, rush hour traffic traps drivers in gridlock. Leaving for work an hour earlier can cut 60 minutes or more out of a daily commute. By coming in to work at a less-traveled time, you'll leave earlier as well and avoid outbound traffic. In some cases you may have to request a schedule change from a supervisor.  Some information for this post came from MSN Living

Everyone’s circumstance is different even if just slightly.  You may have to play with the information supplied to make it fit your particular situation.  Some of the above suggestions may seem too simplistic, but it’s always the little things that we tend to overlook, and that can make a significant savings in time and money.  The best is yet to come….

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