Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Answered Prayers 2

Pray with all your heart
Answered Prayers continued:
Since my mother had limited understanding of the English Language, it was left up to me to explain to her why our plans had changed, and breakfast was not to be.  I felt so bad for so many reasons, the main reason is that I loved my mother with all my heart and if I could trade places with her, I wouldn’t have hesitated.  Another big reason is that even as I was explaining to her about what the feeling of ghosts following her around meant, I could hear her stomach growling from hunger.  I even wished that we had gone to breakfast before the doctor visit.
My mother had the strength of a pioneer woman, and especially when it came to protecting her children, and family in general, but facing the unknown, she was no different than anyone else.  I was so taken by surprise by the findings that I didn’t even have time to blame anything or anyone (many people understandably take it out on God at times of illness).  I did my best to tell her that as soon as the tests were done the hospital would take care of feeding her but I knew better.  Depending on what they found she may not eat until after surgery.
Soon after she was admitted to the hospital, I was asked to leave so the doctor and staff could begin the testing process.  I felt so bad not being able to stand by to hold her hand and comfort her.  Before I left I arranged for a translator to be present to keep her informed.  I called my wife to let her know what was going on, and I decided to head to my office so I could be handy to answer any call from the hospital or doctor.  I attended a couple of meeting but couldn’t concentrate.
It was almost 4 pm before the doctor called my office.  He explained that they found problems that would require multiple by-pass surgery, and that it was scheduled for the following morning at 9:30 am.  He also mentioned that he was able to get two heart specialist that were in the area for other reasons, to look in on my mother and give their opinions early the next day.  I thanked the doctor, and told him I would be at the hospital the next morning to standby while she was in surgery.
That evening I was very strong in the presence of my wife and young children, reassuring them that grandma would be fine.  However, I couldn’t sleep that night thinking of all the possible bad case scenarios.  I prayed that night with all my heart, telling God that I was a good person (man, son, husband, and father).  I told him that I didn’t drink, smoke or gambled, I didn’t stray from my family, and I didn’t know what else I could offer him, but that he could ask anything of me in exchange for taking care of my mother.  In retrospect I am embarrassed that I told God I was near perfect, but I am telling it like it was.
The next morning I arrived at the hospital at 9 am, and the receptionist told me I was way too early, and I answered that I knew that the surgery wasn’t scheduled for another 30 minutes.  She looked at me with bewilderment and said, “No release isn’t until 11 am.”  She followed that with; “didn’t the doctor call you?”  As it happened the Heart Specialists examined my mother studied the charts and found nothing wrong with her heart.  I went to the hospital chapel, and offered a quick prayer of thanks with a few tears of joy thrown in for good measure.  I testify to you that prayers are answered!  My mother lived the rest of her life without a sign of blockage or repeat of the heart scare.  The best is yet to come…..

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