Monday, September 2, 2013

Season Preferences

Season Preferences
It’s a well-known fact that variety is the spice of life!  That being said, if you could have your favorite Season (out of four) of the year, which one would it be for year round?  As I have progressed through life, my choices would definitely be spring or summer with a slight lean towards summer.  There are pros and cons for my choices; pros for Spring, I love the sounds of the birds chirping as they return to the area with the nice weather, and the blooming of flowers and leaves on the trees, the warming-up of the weather.  As they say love and romance is in the air.  Cons: Since I live in the Northwest (by choice), I can tolerate but not totally embrace the abundance of rain, and flooding from melting snow (cascades are an hour away - East), the air turbulence due to the various convergence zones coming inland from the Pacific Ocean (another hour away - West), aggravate the pollen issues of Spring and thus allergies.
Pros and cons for summer; I love the hot summer days (70 to 80 degrees) (I’ve been quoted to say that I play golf in the 70’s!  Any hotter and I refuse to go out!) With the nice weather and periodic rain comes lots of yard work (I do hire a landscape service but it costs plenty), we usually reach over 100 degrees 4 or more times (days) on any given summer.  I won’t complain about the cost of staying cool because it is on par with keeping warm in the winter.
My dislike for fall and winter is that during my lifetime career, I had to travel 2,500 miles per month on average.  I crisscrossed over the Cascade Mountain Range every two weeks.  While winter is a short and mild season in the lowlands, my winters were always longer and more intense because of my traveling the Cascades.  It wasn’t unusual to encounter the first snow blizzard of the season in October on the early end and in May on the late end of the season.
Earlier in my life before I became fortunate enough to land the career of a lifetime, I thought winters were cool (no pun intended).  My wife and I enjoyed drinking a cup of hot chocolate while watching the snowflakes come down on our patio (while burning logs in our fire place).  Since I retired early, I guess I should begin to enjoy winters again.  A lifetime of disliking something is hard to break, it seems that my subconscious becomes aware of the changing weather, and goes into withdrawals.   I need to re-educate my subconscious, which I am working on, but it takes time.
Someone, much wiser than I will ever be, gave us four seasons for a reason and I will enjoy each and every one of them; after all some people live in areas of the world where one season or at most two is the only choice they have.  Hot chocolate time is around the corner, hope you are ready for it because here it comes.  The best is yet to come….


  1. Spring, summer, fall & winter would be my preference if HAD a choice. Middle & late Spring is just the right temperature and a promise of heat to come. Summer is great, but can be too warm. Fall is cooler & sad.
    Winter is terrible- Rain all the time, dull skies & far too long on the west coast.

    1. I agree with you about the west coast (especially the Pacific Northwest). However, I have traveled around and haven't found (without leaving the country) a more stable climate (not many earthquakes, no tornadoes, no hurricanes, no sinkholes, etc.).

  2. I like Spring because everything is born again, its a new beginning for everything.But, I love Summer, I love being out in the Sun. It gives me the energy I need and just makes me feel good.

    1. I agree with you on Summer, because the direct sun on the body seems to have healing properties (for aches and pains anyway).
