Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Lurking Evil 2

Lurking Evil 2
This post is an update to: “Lurking Evil”, posted October 22, 2013,
It would break my heart to run into her room, and see the tears streaming down her face, while screaming at the top of her little lungs and trembling.  I swear if I had known than what was scaring her, I would have asked that evil to take me on instead. 
Even after determining that there was a pattern of waking up at midnight I didn’t connect the dots.  When you are raised into a good church going god fearing young adult you don’t have a sinister mind that immediately jumps to conclusions or goes to the dark side as a first option.  My first thought was that she was ill perhaps a stomach ache or an ear ache.  About a week after the problem began I decided to sit in a rocking chair in her room next to the crib, and see what was waking her up.
At around 11:50 she started to act restless coming out of a deep sleep.  At first I thought she was going to sleep through the midnight hour, but she didn’t.  By 12 midnight sharp she was wide awake and screaming sitting up in the middle of her crib.  She hurriedly stood up using the crib adjustable (up/down) side to help herself stand up.  The minute she saw me in the room, she stretched her little arms towards me as in asking to be lifted out of her crib.  I took her to the master bedroom and put her back to sleep.  As usual she slept until morning once she went back to sleep.  This event took place on a Friday night.  The very next morning I called my mother to discuss that the baby was going through this problem of not being able to sleep through the night.
In my culture (I am of Mexican descent) we believe in “Curanderos,” especially the older generation (like my parents and grandparents).  My mother believed (past down from my grandmother) in treating people for “Espanto.”  As an example Espanto doesn’t have to be supernatural, it can be as basic as falling or almost falling into a river, or falling off of a roof.  It’s the act of something unnatural such as falling or almost getting hit by a car.  I’m sure the root of this belief also deals with supernatural occurrences.  My mother requested that I bring the baby over to her house (about 50 miles away) or she would come and visit (the sooner the better).  I decided to make the drive.
My mother saw things that I had not been seeing.  She told me that the baby had circles under her eyes most likely from lack of sleep.  Definitely a sign that something was wrong.  She recommended that I take her to a Catholic Priest to give her a blessing, and to have the house blessed as well.
When I talked to the priest and told him the whole almost two week story, he told me that he wouldn’t be able to travel to my town to bless the house (50 miles away), but he did offer a blessing to the baby, and gave me the name of a traveling priest that went to various church parishes, as assigned by the church.  He asked that I tell him everything and that I mention that he came recommended from the one church in Salinas.
That same day I went in search of the priest.  He wasn’t easy to locate especially on the weekend because he moved around the area to various churches (but he always returned to a base where he lived).  After returning to his residence for the third time, I was able to make contact with him.  He asked me if I was aware of the houses’ history, and I told him that I wasn’t.  He explained that sometimes the history of a house can cause evil spirits to linger after someone is killed, tortured, abused or drugs are used, even perform devil worship.
He mentioned that he was leaving the area early the next morning and wouldn’t be able to visit my home any earlier then the following weekend.  However, he didn’t think it was wise to continue to live in that house without intervention.  He told me what I needed to do to protect the house and the family from evil manifestations or influences.  At the risk of sounding overwhelmed by my desire to protect my baby and home, I will only divulge in general terms what I was asked to do.
I started out by buying an adequate supply of Mustard seed.  I stood at my main entrance to the house facing out. I applied the seed around the perimeter of the house going to the left and completely going around the house arriving at the front door from the right side.  The whole time repeating the same two prayers I was given nonstop.  Finally I placed a sewing needle in the baby’s room exterior window, leaving it there permanently.  That night and thereafter the baby slept uninterrupted through the night.  Since that time way back then, I always perform that ritual for any new house that we move to.  My baby (many years later) and I recently returned from a one week vacation in Southern California.  The best is yet to come….

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