Friday, December 27, 2013

Life’s Best Stages

Life’s Best Stages
I am contemplating which time in my life is the one that has brought me the most satisfaction. Every time that I settle on a stage in life, I revisit other parts of the spectrum of my life, and manage to create competition.
The very early part of my life was great and is one that I would like to maintain forever.  Having had no exposure to what life had to offer, it would make sense not to want to grow out of that first stage.  My parents took care of my every need, including dressing me and tying my shoes.  All my meals were prepared and perfect.  I had no idea what my needs were, but they were all been met, by two people who devoted their entire existence to me.
Please note the disclaimer: “Having had no exposure to what life had to offer.”  Life is very addictive, if you notice on a toddler’s daily routine, it’s all about exploration and pushing limits every day of their little life.  Once they break into that stage of life you can’t get them back into being passive little babies.  So for the reasons explained above this first stage in life rates a Best.
As mentioned above, the growing up years through 12 years of age, is a time when our minds are like sponges, and we are so busy learning, that time flies right on by.  Hopefully you will enjoy stability at home and make it a pleasant experience.  My parents divorced, and I hated to see my mother work so hard.  Perhaps I would not rate this as a Best stage of life.  I must admit that during this time I learned a lot from my mother.  I learned responsibility, and while I might not have enjoyed it as much, it help shape the man I am today.
The wonderful teen years, how can I not give this a Best stage of life rating? I was invincible, I was becoming a man, I was a chick magnet, and I was learning to work, and the value of a dollar, I was working hard towards a future.  I was deciding what I wanted to be in the next stage of my life.  I learned discipline by participating in school sports.  The stage is very special as life goes.
I started the next stage of life getting married the first time around.  Real responsibility was established in this segment of my life both by raising a family continuing my education, establishing my direction in management with regard to the workforce, and deciding who I wanted to be when I grew up.  I learned some great lessons and I applied those lessons appropriately.  I learned that long term lasting returns don’t come from building on quicksand.  Taking the time to properly build the foundation, makes for lasting rewards.  It was in this stage of life that I met my soul mate that would be destined to ride into the sunset with me.  From this stage in life and beyond to-date, I rate it a five star stage.
I can follow up and describe the stages that follow, but you wouldn’t be able to differentiate the various levels of grey (not to be confused with the popular book 50 Shades of Grey).  As life progressed, it got sweeter.  I would like to be a teenager again, but only if I could retain all my knowledge.  Financial stability more often than not comes with personal maturity, I actually have both going for me right now.  I wouldn’t change anything in my life because I love where I am in life.  I can’t imagine that I would want any different outcome.  Maybe one thing:  The age of fifties should last for twenty years, instead of ten before entering into the 60’s.  No real reason other than I feel it has the potential of being the best stage in life.  The best is yet to come….

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