Friday, January 3, 2014

Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone
People close to me know that I don’t like change for change sake.  I don’t even like necessary change.  I don’t mind change initiated by me, but I have to think long and hard about that.
The comfort of familiarity comes at a cost that we are often not even aware of.  Who in their right mind would think that there is a price to be paid for enjoying the comfort or comforts that you so willingly embrace.  After all costs are most often associated with change, rather than stability, right?
I most often have the latest in computers, cell telephones, iPads, and any other technological advances.  Truth be known those changes are brought about by the desire to have the advantage in the ever changing world of communications and technology.  If the world of technology were to once again become stable (stale-slow) as in the 70’s and 80’s I would be in hog heaven.  The years when the IBM Selectric II typewriter, and Motorola Beeper were the technological wonders of the world for long stretches of time.  You didn’t have to update equipment every six months to keep up with the Joneses.
By surrounding ourselves with familiarity, we are most often creating a protective shield that keeps outsiders out of our circle.  Outsiders are a source of information that keeps us growing as individuals, in a competitive environment.  Our subconscious tendencies are to seek out people that think like us because they reinforce our attitudes, and way of doing things.  Please understand that this is not necessarily a bad thing, as long as we are aware of what we are doing (accomplishing).
One can actually compare the above information to someone who is successful but enjoys being surrounded by “yes men.”  Even when these individuals are making bad decisions they are constantly being praised and validated by the “yes men” they surround themselves with.  This environment when sustained for long periods of time can lead to self-destruction of the successful individual(s).  You may not agree with me and that is totally fine, after all my disclaimer as usual is that, this is one humble man’s opinion.
Two famous examples of self-destruction that come to mind: Elvis Presley, and Michael Jackson.  Their entourage (handlers, hangers-on) catered to their every whim, and eventually all their fame, money and popularity couldn’t save them from self-destruction.
There are two popular sayings (practices) that come to mind, that exemplify the subject of this post: “think outside the box,” and encouraging the view of “an outsider looking in.”  If you are comfortable with doing things the same way year in and year out, you are missing out on the most important element to what you are doing and that is the opportunity to: advance; evolve; grow, and thus stay competitive.
Truth be told I still don’t like change but I embrace it cautiously because it is a necessity to stay relevant.  The best is yet to come….

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