Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Meaning of Life

Meaning of Life
I will start this post by stating once again that I have a very blessed life.  I can’t say that my life is perfect, because no one’s life is perfect.  I am grateful that I don’t get to plot every day in my life because I wouldn’t know how to plot the perfect day every day of my life.  I enjoy the variety that comes my way every day.  What makes my life blessed is how I respond to and deal with the multitude of things that come at me every day. 
With todays advanced technology many things are getting predictable.  I remember when I was a teenager working on the farm during the vacations from school, I loved going to bed at night and not knowing exactly what kind of weather I was going to be working in the next day.  Sometimes the smell of wet ground in the morning, and seeing the rain clouds moving away gave me a special sense of energy to start my day.  Today, I can look at the weather report and know what area of my town the rain or snow is going to be falling in.  I can see how fast the wind is going to be blowing, when it will pick up and when it will subside.  I realize that being able to predict the good and bad weather is a good thing, but a small piece of mystery and adventure is removed from everyday life.
Today is my birthday and that also is a good thing, I don’t like the alternative.  My youngest daughter woke up my 7 year old granddaughter and mention that today was grandpa’s birthday.  My granddaughters response was an incredulous response, “really, it’s never grandpa’s birthday!”  My idea of celebrating my birthday is a family dinner at home, or out to dinner with family members, minimally and every bit as good is dinner at one of our favorite restaurants with just my wife.  I am often asked what I want for my birthday, and I am sure you have heard the most common dilemma, what do you give the person that has everything.
I am fortunate to get whatever I want or need whenever I feel like it.  It sounds like I am bragging, but you would have to know me to understand what that means.  Within reason and within my means.  My seven year old granddaughter asked me today what I wanted for my birthday, and I told her that I was just glad to spend time with her, and her cousins (and family in general).  As I dropped my granddaughter off at her school she told me that she couldn’t wait to get home so we could play a game of Angry Birds, and some Mario Brothers.
If it weren’t for my grandchildren, I would simply be growing older, but because of them I was able to cheer us up on the way to school by playing Moves like Jagger, through the Bluetooth from my iPhone to the vehicle stereo system.  It’s funny how things change: when my children were young they had no choice but to listen to the oldies but goodies radio station whenever we traveled. Today you can find the likes of Justin Timberlake, Sy (Gangnam Style), Katy Perry, Pink, Black Eyed Peas, Train, and Christina Aguilera, on my iPhone.  Do you have any idea how awesome that makes me in the eyes of youth?  I can also move like Jagger if occasion calls for it!
Once again, my life is not perfect but it is awesome, when you have a happy and healthy family you are definitely blessed, and that is what I am.  Waking up every day of my life to my wonderful wife gives me the edge I need to start my day with a grateful heart.  I forgot to mention that I also have longevity going in my family line, many of my relatives lived into their 90’s, I guess that makes me almost middle aged.  The best is yet to come….

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