Monday, April 28, 2014

Hi-Tech Society

Hi-Tech Society

We live in a society nearing perfection within the realm of hi-tech science.  A perfect crime can be committed on a random victim and the criminal can possibly get away with it but only if he doesn’t get caught on a surveillance camera, and if his or her DNA, and finger prints are not on file.  However, if the crime involves a homicide that person can still get caught 20 or thirty years down the road if evidence is collected at the scene of the crime, and later matched to newly recorded DNA and or finger prints.

With existing science a person can be caught simply from dropping chewing gum (chewed) on the sidewalk, or from a discarded empty plastic water bottle or pop can.  Even spiting on the sidewalk can be used to compare evidence DNA with a suspect.

I am still amazed at how a satellite image can show the cars on my driveway, at a given time, and even show someone Bar-B-Queuing in the back yard patio of anyone’s house.  At present the NSA can listen to our cell phone conversations and read our emails, how is it possible that we can’t track a Boeing Airliner, with over 200 passengers and crew on board.

  • (Reuters) - The chance of finding floating debris from a missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner has become highly unlikely, and a new phase of the search will focus on a far larger area of the Indian Ocean floor, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said on Monday.
  • The search effort for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, which vanished while flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8 with 239 people on board, has so far failed to turn up any trace of wreckage from the plane.
  • Given the amount of time that has elapsed, Abbott said that efforts would now shift away from the visual searches conducted by planes and ships and towards underwater equipment capable of scouring the ocean floor with sophisticated sensors.
  • He admitted, however, that it was possible nothing would ever be found of the jetliner.
  • "We will do everything we humanly can, everything we reasonably can, to solve this mystery," he told reporters in Canberra.

I thought that for all our advances of science and satellite technology, the days of Amelia Earhart were long gone.  My prayers go to the people related to and affected by the still missing passengers of Malaysia Flight 370.  I hold on to my faith and still feel that the best is yet to come….

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Get It Where You Can

Golden Hair Boy / Top Dog
Finding comfort and confidence wherever and whenever you can get it is key.  On an episode of the Bill Cosby show their youngest daughter is in the first grade and she tells her mother that she is going to quit school.  Her mother asks her what she plans to do for a job without an education, and her answer is; I successfully finished Kindergarten, so I can always be a Kindergarten Teacher.

That moment to me is one I never have forgotten, because that is the perfect example of thinking outside the box.  If you stop to consider that until relatively recently there haven't been an overly abundance of people who think outside the box.  Perhaps a very common problem in the learning process is that many of our teacher in life (not talking school System teachers) and trainers have experience the word "NO."  Consequently when they share their knowledge with us they are teaching us perhaps subconsciously, their understanding of the limitation that comes from negative experience.

Many times in my life I felt like I knew a better way to accomplish a task, but because I had responsibility to my family, I chose the safe and acceptable way of the establishment.   Doing things your way comes with a risk, which if it fails you could end up out of a job, or minimally out of favor.  You never want to gamble with your family’s future, most of life needs to be played as a calculated risk.  I always weighed possible outcomes and anticipated the worst that could happen “if.”  Beyond that, I also considered what it would take and how long would it be to recover from a wrong outcome.  Some portions of your family’s life are not to be gambled with: some examples are their shelter, food and medical.  Their parents’ presence in their lives, as an example I wouldn’t risk being taken away from their daily lives (prison).

Once you get married and the children start arriving you start to play it safe on the job. Unfortunately as the saying goes, "no pain, no gain!"  The big rewards are usually attached to big risks.  In my early work experience, for about 6 years in my corporate experience, I was what was often referred to back then as, "the golden haired boy!"  I could do no wrong, whatever the task, I was the man the job was assigned to.

Eventually, and ever so slowly, your armor begins to lose its luster.  It's almost like you go from being amazing, and can't do no wrong, to you are old enough and experienced enough that no one is surprised, and the positive outcome is expected.  The next step if you are lucky, you are assigned someone to mentor.  Otherwise, the establishment will select your replacement for the “golden haired position,”

The best you can hope for is that you graduate to a position of respect, and seniority (even while still young).  If not, you can always test the opportunities with the corporation’s competitors.  I repeat without apologies, that my whole life has been blessed and I am grateful for the life that my family and I have enjoyed.

One important thing to always remember is never justify doing something just because it's always been done that way. If you participate in a planning discussion, play the role of the devil's advocate, and demonstrate that you are able to think outside the box.  Sometimes when offering an alternate plan you could be stepping on someone's toes.  Just make sure those toes don't belong to your supervisor, or president of the company.  The best is yet to come.......