Thursday, May 21, 2015

Sooner or Later

Puerto Vallarta

During more innocent times I used to think that some things happening elsewhere in the world would not touch my life or affect me in any way.  Well, reality struck home.  When 9-11 happened it seemed like, that world event would not be reaching the west coast (at least for the first 5 or 6 months it seemed that way).
My business continued to move right along as it always had (entertainment business).  Wedding bookings kept coming in as they always had.  While emotionally and even physically we were affected, it seemed that we had weathered the brunt of the affect that people on the east coast had endured.

Almost on cue right at about 6 months, my business was cut by about 40%.  Living in Western Washington, I should have known that the military bases would affect the economy. 

Young men and women as well as men and women of eligible military age were enlisting by previously unseen numbers.   Weddings and other life celebrations were being postponed indefinitely, due to the war effort.  That was the beginning of my realization that not only our country but in fact the world was intricately connected.  The next major affected change was my love for travel.  Airport security and baggage policies made me curtail my travel by approximately 90%.  The inconveniences and higher costs were just not worth the effort to maintaining my love for travel.
Airport security lines

If you had audio on this post you would hear the drum roll right about now.  Here is the most recent way that world events have touched my family.  One of my sons recently booked a vacation for two to Puerto Vallarta, and no sooner had he received confirmation that the State Department issued a ban on travel to Puerto Vallarta.  The reason for the ban was the daily battles going on in the city streets between law enforcement and the drug cartel gunmen.

  • The Canadian and U.S. embassies in Mexico have issued warnings for tourists and travelers in and around Puerto Vallarta and Guadalajara after another outbreak of drug-gang-related violence.
  • The warning includes reports that gas stations, banks and other buildings have been set on fire in the states of Jalisco and Colima. Municipal police in Puerto Vallarta are asking residents and visitors to remain in their homes and hotels.
Fortunately because of the State Department’s ruling on the matter, my son was able to get a full refund and switch his vacation destination to Hawaii.  Once upon a time a visit to Mexico was as simple as crossing the border or boarding an airplane.  Anymore you need to check the money exchange, the weather forecast, prices for flight and accommodations, plus body count in your choice of destination.

I can’t help but wonder if we will ever return to the days of rule and order.  A time when money and drugs or fanaticism won’t be the ultimate barrier to peaceful coexistence.  How do you rule in a society where a large portion of the people don’t fear dying in pursuit of their greed, addiction, or extremist views?  Hopefully; the best is yet to come………

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